Selected Bibliography

The amount of literature available on the issue of methamphetamine abuse and addiction is profuse. I have indicated here the sources I have found most helpful and concise in understanding the issues involved. 

 Altshuler, Sandra. "Drug-Endangered Children Need a Collaborative Community Response," Child Welfare. 2005; 84:2, 171-190.

Brick, John, ed. Handbook of the Medical Consequences of Alcohol and Drug Abuse. New York: Haworth, 2004.

Cohen, Judith et al. “Abuse and Violence History of Men and Women in Treatment for Methamphetamine Dependence.” American Journal on Addiction. 2003; 12, 377-385.

Derlert, Robert, et al. "Toxicity, Methamphetamine." available at: . Accessed May 18, 2005.

Falkowski, Carol. "Methamphetamine Across America: Misconceptions, Realities and Solutions," SPECTRUM: The Journal of State Government. Fall 2004, 30-32.

Gahlinger, Paul. "Club Drugs: MDMA, Gamma-Hydroxybutyrate (GHB), Rohypnol, and Ketamine," American Family Physician. June 1, 2004: 69/11. Available on the World Wide Web at: . Accessed May 26, 2005.

Greenwell, Lisa and Brecht, Mary-Lynn. "Self-Reported Health Status Among Treated Methamphetamine Users," The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse. 2003; 29(1), 75-104. 

Herz, Denise & Murray, Rebecca. "Exploring Arrestee Drug Use in Rural Nebraska," Journal of Drug Issues. Winter 2003, 99-118.

Hohman, Melinda et al., "Methamphetamine Abuse and Manufacture: The Child Welfare Response," Social Work. July 2004; 49:3, 373-381.

Larson, Michael. "Amphetamine-Related Psychiatric Disorders." available at: . Accessed May 19, 2005.

Murray, John. "Psychophysiological Aspects of Amphetamine-Methamphetamine Abuse," The Journal of Psychology. 1998; 132(2), 227-237.

Nakken, Craig. The Addictive Personality. 2d ed. Center City, MN: Hazelden, 1996.

National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), “Methamphetamine Abuse and Addiction,” Research Report Series. NIH Publication Number 98-4210. April 1998.

Yui, K. et al., "Spontaneous recurrence of methampetamine psychosis: increased sensitivity to stress associated with noradrenergic hyperactivity and dopaminergic change," European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience. 1999; 249, 103–111.

 Zweben, Joan, et al., "Psychiatric Symptoms in Methamphetamine Users," The American Journal on Addiction. 2004; 13, 181-190.